Country Information


GDP: US$21.4 billion (2006).
Main exports: Fruits and vegetables, coffee and electronic components.
Main imports: Petroleum products, chemical products and alcoholic beverages.
Main trade partners: USA, China, EU and Central America.


Electronics represent 27% of Costa Rica's export revenues while 22% of export earnings are derived from agriculture (most importantly coffee, bananas and meat, but also melons, pineapple, sugar and cocoa). Staple crops are also grown for domestic consumption. Manufacturing industry consists of food processing, micro-processors and electronics, textiles, chemicals and plastics and is steadily expanding with government encouragement.

New industries include aluminium production, following the discovery of a large bauxite deposit. Oil imports and hydroelectricity meet the bulk of the country's energy needs. Tourism dominates the service sector and is the most important source of foreign exchange earnings.

Business Etiquette

Customs tend to be conservative. Advance appointments and courtesy are appreciated, although Costa Ricans are rarely punctual. It is preferable to have some knowledge of Spanish, although many locals speak English. Best months for business visits are November and December; avoid the last week of September, which is the end of the financial year.

Office hours: Mon-Fri 0800-1700.

Business Contacts

Cámara de Comercio de Costa Rica (Chamber of Commerce)
Apartado 1114-1000, 1000 San José, Costa Rica
Tel: 221 0005.

Cámara de Industrias de Costa Rica (Chamber of Industries)
350m (1150ft) south of Fuente de la Hispanidad bridge, San Pedro de Montes de Oca, Apartado 10003, San José, Costa Rica
Tel: 281 0006.

Costa Rican-American Chamber of Commerce
Apartado 4946-1000, San José, Costa Rica
Tel: 220 2200.

Promotora del Comercio Exterior de Costa Rica (PROCOMER)
Apartado 1278-1007, San José, Costa Rica
Tel: 299 4700.

Conferences & Conventions

Several of the larger hotels in and around San José have conference facilities. The largest is the Ramada Herradura, at Ciudad Cariari, about 10 miles northwest of the city.